
Why Career Plans Are Not Always The Answer

Career Planning, Career Advice, Career Goals

Where do you see yourself in five years?

You’re not alone if you’ve been caught off guard by this question in an interview.

The idea of a five-year plan is so popular because it promises certainty –– that if we follow a linear path to success, happiness will follow.

But trying to predict the future is a losing battle. It’s impossible to know what your priorities will be a few years from now, let alone the opportunities you’ll be presented with.

How a Plan Can Leave You Stuck

It’s great to be goal-oriented. I’m the first to let my Type-A flag fly high! Yet in my coaching practice, I see how a rigid fixation on planning the future can backfire, closing you off from important opportunities to grow.  

Many of my clients get so preoccupied trying to perfectly execute the details of their five-year plan that they get trapped in analysis paralysis, missing new directions calling their name. Others interpret setbacks as a sign that they’re a failure, and give up. 

The result is same: They stay stuck. 

You can move forward confidently in your career without a five-year plan. You can still be successful while doing it from a place of agility and resiliency, not pushing and forcing.

Question Your “Shoulds”

Before devising a plan for your career, make sure the path you’re on is actually one you desire. Stop to question if your five-year plan is yours…or someone else’s.

Are you following your passion, pursuing work that lights you up, or are you living out someone else’s definition of success?  

Watch for places you’re “shoulding” yourself for career aspirations, such as, “I should go to grad school” or “I should take this job”, especially when your gut says otherwise.

Zoom In

A five-year time frame is too daunting and difficult to wrap your head around. How do you get started when the future is so overwhelming? 

Try this more manageable thought experiment: Imagine one year from today instead. What would be different? What would stay the same? You might even have to zoom that time frame down further to six or three months.

Doing so helps you realize exactly where you feel stuck, but more importantly, illuminates precise areas where you need to take action

Think Like a Scientist 

You can make any leap — professionally or personally — by adopting a more experimental mindset.

Making small bets is less scary and easier to change than a strict long-term plan. Being able to see what works and what doesn’t is not only a learning experience but also builds confidence over time — an essential skill for any professional. 

When I shared this concept with my client Jenna – a graphic designer trying to transition from agency life to running her own shop – it gave her permission to experiment with ways to grow her business while she still had the security of a full-time income. 

Jenna and I created a series of 30-day goals for her to tackle, which resulted in significant, tangible progress towards her dream career quickly. Within just a few months, she had plenty of money saved and had a waitlist of clients assembled so she could hit the ground running when she left her agency job.

Reframe Failure as Feedback 

Maybe you take a job in a new industry, but discover the hours required aren’t a fit for your lifestyle. Instead of feeling like your five-year plan is doomed or hoping the situation will magically improve, take matters into your own hands

Talk to your boss about adjusting your schedule. Or, if you decide to leave, use this new information to refine your job search going forward. Make it a point to ask hiring managers about company culture and their approach to work-life balance, for example.

Review Regularly 

Build in times to reflect on what’s going right in your career and what needs changing quarterly or the first of each month.

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Hi, I'm Melody

I help smart, sensitive high-achievers break free from imposter syndrome and overthinking so they can find the confidence to lead effectively.


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