
Meet the Team: Rebekah Rius

Meet my Team

If you’ve been in my world for any amount of time, then you know I believe in the importance of learning to ask for help.

That’s because we Sensitive Strivers tend to be people-pleasers and overfunctioners. We often put other people’s needs ahead of our own, and we go above and beyond to make others happy.

When our STRIVE qualities are unbalanced, we also tend to put tremendous pressure on ourselves to be “the expert” in everything we do. Admitting to anything less would be a failure.

But ask any successful person what helps them thrive, and you’ll undoubtedly hear, “I built a great team around me.” And as a business owner myself, I couldn’t agree more. Growing my team over the past two years has by far been the smartest and most powerful move I’ve made.

That’s why I want to introduce you to my team members. They are the heroes behind the scenes helping me run my business and deliver amazing coaching programs, courses, and content for you. You may also interact with them at some point, so I want you to be able to put a face to their names.

Meet Rebekah

Rebekah Rius is a business and marketing strategist with an education in design who loves to ideate, organize, manage, and deliver high-quality outcomes. Since 2012 she’s run her own company Sidecar Marketing Solutions, to collaborate with solo and small business owners on their brand, positioning, messaging, marketing, and ops to create a smooth road to her client’s success. Married with children, she loves Pilates, hiking, reading, and playing with interior design.

What Does Rebekah Do?

She’s the gatekeeper for my business marketing and operations, connecting my ideas to IP and the big picture of my business goals. She brainstorms with me and then makes my ideas come alive for my audience through the positioning and content creation process. She also manages program launches, project details, and the extended team to make it all happen, jumping in on tasks as needed.

Fun Facts About Rebekah

  • Favorite hobby = I’m a plant mom!
  • Favorite food = almost anything Mediterranean
  • Favorite Movie = Pretty in Pink
  • Your superpower = I’m an integrator so I bridge ideas into a plan of action.
  • Three words friends/family would use to describe you = Organized, Direct, Eclectic
  • Proudest accomplishment = My two daughters! And a successful business since 2012.
  • Quote you live by = So I don’t procrastinate about what I don’t know yet… “Go as far as you can see; when you get there you’ll be able to see farther.” – Thomas Carlyle

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Hi, I'm Melody

I help smart, sensitive high-achievers break free from imposter syndrome and overthinking so they can find the confidence to lead effectively.


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