

From the outside, it looks like you have it all.

A great job at a company, an upward career trajectory, a steady stream of accomplishments. 

But on the inside… it feels like havoc.


It doesn’t have to be this way.

Imagine if what you thought was holding you back could become your biggest strength. 

Imagine if you could take life-changing steps in your career, while enjoying the calm and inner peace you crave. 

The RESILIENT VIP program will help you just that. 

Through a combination of three months of high-touch 1:1 coaching with Wendy Cary, ACC and coursework created by Melody Wilding, LMSW, you’ll…

Meet Your Coaches…


Over three months, you’ll receive personalized private coaching from Wendy, the only coach in the world hand-selected by Melody to be trained in methods, tools and, frameworks. For over a year, Wendy has worked closely with Melody and provided hundreds of clients coaching to reach new heights of success without so much stress. 

As a Sensitive Striver, RESILIENT alumni, and certified coach with decades of corporate leadership experience, she’s an inspiring, empathetic coach with a talent passion for helping clients break free from burnout and achieve balance.


In addition to your private 1:1 coaching, you’ll receive access to the RESILIENT coursework, taught by Melody Wilding – an executive coach, human behavior professor, licensed social worker, and best-selling author of TRUST YOURSELF. 

Named as one of Business Insider’s Most Innovative Coaches, she’s been featured in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and contribute to Harvard Business Review, Fast Company, Psychology Today, and Forbes. 

Please note – this program does not include live coaching or calls with Melody. 

What makes RESILIENT VIP different

This program combines the personsonalization of 1:1 private coaching with the power of the RESILIENT curriculum to take you…

From stuck, overwhelmed and lacking confidence in your career...

To self-assured, grounded, and in control of your emotions and reactions.

Discover skills and strategies to:

Take life-changing steps in your career, while enjoying the calm and inner peace you crave.

past clients at:

What you get when you join RESILIENT

Here’s everything you’ll receive during your three months as part of this hybrid 1:1 coaching program.

Expert Guidance

You’ll receive coaching and instruction from our executive co-coach, Wendy Cary – a certified professional coach, former corporate leader, and RESILIENT alumnus.

Private Coaching Calls

You’ll receive coaching and instruction from our executive co-coach, Wendy Cary – a certified professional coach, former corporate leader, and RESILIENT alumnus.

Messaging and Email access

You’ll receive coaching and instruction from our executive co-coach, Wendy Cary – a certified professional coach, former corporate leader, and RESILIENT alumnus.

Actionable Lessons

Alongside your private coaching with Wendy, you get six months access to the RESILIENT curriculum. Through pre-recorded videos from Melody, you’ll receive practical, easy-to-implement instruction. Watch the lessons on-demand from the comfort of your own home and your own schedule. 

Proprietary STRIVE DIAgnostic

You’ll get access to my proprietary, digital STRIVE Diagnostic tool along with a personalized report to identify your unique opportunities for growth and prioritize your energy.  We’ll repeat this once a month to assess, recalibrate, and ensure you’re making progress channeling your Sensitive Striver qualities for success at work.

comprehensive workbook

Take action on your discoveries and put your insights in action. You’ll receive a comprehensive workbook that serves as your course companion. Document your takeaways and journal your way through the program. Keep all your tools and notes from the program integrated and organized with additional worksheets. We’ll even send a printed hard copy to your door, if you prefer.

Lifetime Access to Program Materials

You have lifetime access to the program materials, so you can revisit and refresh yourself on the things we work on whenever you need it. Alumni say they go back through the material again and again as they hit new levels of success and encounter different obstacles.

Plus special bonuses to improve your results

Bonus: Coaching Tools Library

My celebrated coaching tools library is a treasure trove of dozens of scripts, worksheets, and templates to help set goals, communicate with strength, overcome imposter syndrome and more.

Bonus: Interviews & trainings

Get access to a library of past Q&As with me as well as never-before-released talks and mini-trainings. Covering topics like thriving as a highly sensitive person in the workplace, overcoming fears of speaking up, and more. 

Bonus: Curated reading & listening list

Complement the content in RESILIENT and extend your insights even further with a list of career and leadership books and podcasts. I’ve done the work of curating best-in-class content that I recommend most often to my private coaching clients.

Bonus: Private podcast feed & transcripts

I know you’re busy and would like the option of taking your RESILIENT learning on the go. That’s why I’ve added a private podcast feed as well as transcripts of all the lessons inside the program. That way, you can continue discovering the curriculum while cooking, traveling, and more.

I’m a completely different person. I learned to hear and trust my own voice. I can silence the inner critic, set boundaries with confidence, and speak up and assert myself (even with difficult people!)I’ve fully embraced the title of leader and I’ve become the type of manager I always aspired to be (and that my team needs).

I don’t spend nearly as much time worrying about what people think of me at work. I am believing in my abilities more than I ever have. I can take a step back to look at a situation before over-thinking it. I cannot thank Melody enough for this program. It's instilled a self-worth in my professional life I haven’t had in a long time.

I found my voice and now trust myself. I learned that my sensitivities are a strength. Do it! Don’t question if it’s for you. Just sign up!

Exactly what you need to become RESILIENT

This program has been carefully and thoughtfully curated for you – the Sensitive Striver. RESILIENT isn’t like other programs that are quickly cobbled together. Instead, I spent six months working hands-on with a learning designer and over one hundred hours crafting this program in order to give you the maximum transformation and results.

Program Orientation

Program Orientation

My number one priority is to help you achieve results, so before you even dive into the core content of RESILIENT, I’ll walk you step-by-step through how to get the most out of the course and how to set yourself up for success.

You’ll also discover how to:


Foundations for Resilience

Discover skills you’ll build on in the rest of the program. You’ll gain control over unhelpful thoughts affecting your confidence and causing you to overwork and overthink. You’ll also learn techniques to manage your emotions more effectively to build emotional strength. Rediscover what it’s like to feel energized and focused instead of overwhelmed and daunted at work.

Module 1: You & Your Thoughts

Module 2: You & Your Emotions

Module 3: Your & Your Energy



Culivating Confidence

In Pillar 2, we focus on strengthening your inner self. Shift your self-talk to be constructive and empowering so you break free from self-doubt, stop undermining your expertise and capabilities, and regain confidence in your value. We’ll also address how to trust your judgment and make better, faster decisions, along with ending people-pleasing tendencies so you can set boundaries, say no, and regain your work-life balance.

Module 1: Navigating Imposter Syndrome

Module 2: Trusting Your Judgment

Module 3: Setting Boundaries & Saying No


Self & Team Leadership

This Pillar is all about using your sensitivity to support your ambitions – be it as you step up as a leader, increase your influence in the workplace, or otherwise advance your career. Discover how to stop taking feedback so personally, be assertive without fear, and build a presence that gets others to respect you. You’ll also learn how to make your workload more sustainable through delegation and setting expectations.

Module 1: Communicating Effectively

Module 2: Speaking Up & Being Seen

Module 3: Stepping into Your Power

What makes RESILIENT VIP special


With over a decade of experience as an executive coach, professor of human behavior, and social worker, I've helped thousands of Sensitive Strivers at companies like Google, Netflix, Amazon, and more get out of their own way so they can reach their full potential. And I can’t wait to help you, too. 

Connection & community

The other members of RESILIENT, fellow Sensitive Strivers, will be your brain trust. They'll cheer you on, offer new perspectives and wisdom, and most of all, help you find a sense of grounding and belonging. This is something you truly can’t get anywhere else.

small, intimate setting

Each RESILIENT call is limited to 25 members to ensure a high-touch experience. I want to get to know you, your challenges, and your goals so I can provide the guidance you need to flourish.


As you probably suspect, traditional career and leadership advice won’t do the trick for Sensitive Strivers. Instead, you need a support container that acknowledges your unique sensitivities and challenges as a Sensitive Striver – and that’s exactly what RESILIENT offers.

It's time to channel your emotions for success

Ready to break free from your fears to become the confident, high-performing Sensitive Striver you know you’re capable of being?

RESILIENT is for you if…

You deeply identify with being a Sensitive Striver. You’re a deep thinker and feeler. You’re driven, ambitious, and always want to be doing and achieving more. You’re kind, compassionate, and committed to others (your team, clients, etc) – sometimes to a fault. RESILIENT is right for you if you are a Sensitive Striver, through and through. 

You’re a top-performer or leader. This program is best suited for those who are at least 10-15 years into their careers. Our members are accomplished managers, directors, and above as well as seasoned individual contributors. Past members have spanned dozens of industries and countries across the globe. The tools in RESILIENT are flexible and can be adapted to your work environment.

You have a goal you’re striving towards. That can be a tangible opportunity, such as a promotion, new job, or high-profile project. Or it can be internal advancement, such as better work-life balance, increased assertiveness, or managing imposter syndrome.

You believe in your own potential. You appreciate the positives in any situation and also see the opportunity behind any challenge. Possibility inspires you. Hopefulness drives you. You are relentlessly open to improvement and take a constructive lens toward everything you do. 

You’re willing to make yourself a priority. You must commit time to actively complete the materials, attend our calls, and implement what you’re learning. You’re ready for real change and willing to put in the work.

You love to serve and nurture others. You’re excited to offer ideas and perspective to fellow members inside the community. Past participants say they not only treasure the relationships built through RESILIENT, but also value being able to help the others in the program. 

Now - RESILIENT is not a great fit for you if...

You’re completely unclear on your professional direction and looking for job search tactics. RESILIENT is not a good fit if you have no idea what you want to do with your life (please see FAQs for more on this) or if you’re looking for resume and interviewing help.

You’re looking for one-on-one coaching. While RESILIENT includes lots of opportunities to interact and get feedback and coaching from me and my team, this is an experience curated for a group, and a big part of its value is in the community. This program does not include 1:1 coaching time with me.

You’re too busy or not committed to creating the time. I recommend setting aside at least 2 hours per week for your participation in this program. Like anything, you get out of this program what you put into it.

You’re not willing to get uncomfortable. This program will challenge you to reframe your thoughts and change your actions. It requires courage and strength to put yourself out there, try new things, and put in the inner work to achieve results.

You have trouble following through. RESILIENT is designed for action-takers. This program is not a good fit if you have major challenges with procrastination. Our most successful members are disciplined, organized, and proactive.

You’re not willing to be generous and vulnerable. Inside RESILIENT, each member can learn from their own experiences and the experiences of other members as well. That’s important for the shifts and results that come with this program. 

This is your turning point.

The world is changing quickly. And as a result of that, so is the way we work.

Now more than ever, companies are turning to thoughtful, empathetic top-performers like you to be the light that guides them through change.

But at the same time, as a Sensitive Striver, uncertainty may be amplifying your insecurities and putting you face-to-face with unprecedented stress. 

This new reality is highlighting what, deep down, you already knew:

That what go you here, won’t get you there.
That carrying on with your old habits isn’t sustainable.
That the next level of your career awaits if only you can get out of your own way.

You know that something has to change. Your team, your family, your clients… They’re all counting on you. And more than that, you deserve to count on yourself as well

Frequently Asked Questions

RESILIENT follows a blended learning model. For the best results, it combines video lessons (which you watch asynchronous on your own time), plus live weekly coaching. 

As soon as you complete your enrollment in RESILIENT, you’ll receive an email giving you immediate access to the online classroom and our private community. You can find a walkthrough of the classroom here.

The program begins September 21st and ends December 15th. 

The program officially begins September 21st 2023 and ends December 15th 2023.

Group Coaching calls are on Thursdays at 3pm or 5pm ET. You will select a time slot when you register, which will be your time slot for the duration of the program. 

Live office hours are every Monday at 3pm ET. 

All calls are recorded in case you have to miss one. 

Between our weekly Monday and Thursday calls, watching the pre-recorded lessons, and reserving time to engage in the private community, I recommend investing at least 3 hours per week in your participation in RESILIENT. As with most things though, the more you put in, the more you’ll get out of it. You will only get results if you are willing to be proactive, utilize the resources, and actually apply what you’re learning.

I also invite you to think of the tools in this program as something that can save you a lot of time in the future – time you currently spend overthinking, beating yourself up, and pursuing projects that aren’t aligned with your goals and strengths.

RESILIENT follows a blended learning model. For the best results, it combines pre-recorded video lessons (which you watch asynchronous on your own time), plus live weekly coaching. 

Here’s what a typical week looks like: 

  • Monday = live office hours with Melody and her team where you can get personalized coaching for challenges you’re facing. 
  • Thursday = live, 90-minute group coaching call focused on that week’s topic. Upon registration, you select a Thursday time slot, either 3pm or 5pm ET. That is your assigned group coaching call time for the duration of the program. 
  • Friday = next week’s video modules become available in the online classroom for you to complete on your own time.

You can full walkthrough of the program structure and classroom here.

You also receive additional tools to support your transformation, including a comprehensive program and access to our Coaching Tools Library (dozens of worksheets, templates, etc). Our private community is available to you 24/7 for support. 

This program has been carefully and thoughtfully created. This isn’t like other programs that are quickly slapped together. I spent six months working with a learning designer and over one hundred hours crafting this course in order to give you the maximum transformation and results.

Program Orientation

  • Welcome & Setting Yourself Up For Success
  • The Science and Strength of Sensitivity
  • STRIVE Diagnostic
  • Creating Your Goals

Pillar 1: Foundations for Resilience

Discover skills you’ll build on in the rest of the program in the areas of You & Your Thoughts, You & Your Emotions, and You & Your Energy. You’ll gain control over unhelpful thoughts affecting your confidence and causing you to overwork and overthink. You’ll also learn techniques to manage your emotions more effectively to build emotional strength. Rediscover what it’s like to feel energized and focused instead of overwhelmed and daunted at work.

You & Your Thoughts

  • Gaining Control Over Your Thoughts
  • Deep Thinking vs. Overthinking – And Your Tendencies
  • Stop a Negative Thought Spiral

You & Your Emotions

  • Changing Your Relationship With Your Emotions
  • Techniques for Managing Emotions
  • Building Emotional Strength

Your & Your Energy 

  • The Power of Energy Management
  • People Energy
  • Physical Energy
  • Mental Energy
  • Self-Connection Energy

Pillar 2: Cultivating Confidence

In Pillar 2, we focus on strengthening your inner self. Shift your self-talk to be constructive and empowering so you break free from self-doubt, stop undermining your expertise and capabilities, and regain confidence in your value. We’ll also address how to trust your judgment and make better, faster decisions, along with ending people-pleasing tendencies so you can set boundaries, say no, and regain your work-life balance.

Navigating Imposter Syndrome

  • Imposter Syndrome & Sensitive Strivers
  • Breaking the Imposter Syndrome Cycle
  • Internalizing Your Success
  • Playing Bigger in Your Career

Trusting Your Judgment

  • Building Your Intuitive Muscle
  • Making Better, Faster Decisions
  • Overcoming Worry & Fear

Setting Boundaries & Saying No

  • Setting Boundaries Without Guilt
  • The 4D Model: Detect & Define
  • The 4D Model: Deliver & Defend
  • Setting Boundaries in Special Situations

Pillar 3: Self & Team Leadership

This Pillar is all about using your sensitivity to support your ambitions – be it as you step up as a leader, increase your influence in the workplace, or otherwise advance your career. Discover how to stop taking feedback so personally, be assertive without fear, and build presence that gets others to respect you. You’ll also discover how to make your workload more sustainable through delegation and setting clear expectations. 

Communicating Effectively

  • The Communication Trifecta
  • Taking Feedback Seriously, Not Personally
  • Navigating Difficult Conversations with Ease

Speaking Up & Being Seen 

  • Overcoming Fear of Visibility
  • Getting Your Voice Heard in Meetings
  • Thinking on Your Feet

Stepping into Your Power 

  • Executive Presence & Influence
  • Mastering the Art of Authentic Self-Promotion
  • Making Your Workload More Sustainable

Program Graduation

  • Celebrating Your Achievements
  • Maintaining Momentum 
Melody’s book, TRUST YOURSELF, and RESILIENT are great companions to one another, but they are distinct.
RESILIENT goes into much more depth and covers additional topics Melody didn’t have space to add to the book.

RESILIENT encompasses Melody’s entire body of work around the best tools, strategies, and teachings about Sensitive Strivers and overcoming challenges they face like overthinking, perfectionism, imposter syndrome, and more. It is significantly more comprehensive than her stand-alone workshops or courses. 

With RESILIENT, you get the biggest return on investment through more content and tools and accountability and support. You have more structure and accountability, which, of course, isn’t available with a book (where you’re left to implement everything on your own). You’ll make progress faster because you’re not doing this alone. 


We’ve had many students have success getting their company to pay for the program. After all, investing in you is an investment in their future success.

I know asking your employer can be nerve-wracking so I’ve created a sample letter you can send your manager to request sponsorship.  

You can also find a comprehensive packet with details about the program to share with your employer here. This packet explains the benefits to your company. 

If you have further questions or need a detailed receipt or invoice, email my team at hello@melodywilding.com

Participating in the program with a group of team members or colleagues greatly maximizes the learning and application of RESILIENT. Through the program, Sensitive Strivers build a common language and provide each other with both support and a sense of accountability that can extend into their everyday work interactions.

You can read more about the benefits of RESILIENT to your organization here, including increased performance, retention, and a high-potential talent pipeline.

To register 1 to 50 employees, please email hello@melodywilding.com with the names and emails of participants. We will invoice you for the total fee and then bulk enroll your participants into the program.

High volume discounts are available:

  • 50-100 employees – 15% off
  • 100-200 employee – 25% off
  • 200+ employees – 40% off

You can also add on a single or series of live Q&As or facilitated discussion calls with Melody, customized to your needs. Please email hello@melodywilding.com for more information.

We take privacy very seriously. All RESILIENT members agree to a confidentiality clause upon signing up. There is a zero tolerance policy for violations.

RESILIENT is best suited for established leaders and professionals those who want to advance in their careers. That could mean growing within your current role, or moving to a new one (within your company or somewhere else).

RESILIENT is right for you if a lack of confidence, imposter syndrome, or fear of failure are holding you back from stepping into new opportunities. Many of our members enter the program feeling stuck, unbalanced, and held back from pursuing new opportunities because of fear. As a result of the confidence and skills they gained through RESILIENT, some members end up changing roles or companies because they finally have the courage and conviction to be more assertive, value their abilities, and believe in their potential.

Here are two testimonials from members of the last round who are changing roles as a result of the program:

RESILIENT has honestly been life changing. I came into the program feeling so defeated. I knew I should have more confidence in my role but just couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t get there and why I had always felt that way. I downplayed my strengths and only saw the negative, which became obvious to my boss.  I am graduating from the program knowing that I have the inner strength and amazing tools to get me there. I am getting ready to start my next journey in life and so excited about it! – K.M., District Leader

This program was an ‘expansion’ and ‘blossoming’ for me. I have uncovered so much about myself and have the tools to thrive. I came in with imposter syndrome and lack of confidence. I’m leaving with an inner knowing, appreciation, and trust in myself. I’ve become a lot happier, calmer, and proud that I’m a sensitive striver. I’ve started to set more boundaries and care less as to how I am perceived by others. I also now have tips to develop a powerful presence, which always felt out of reach. It was a game changer to get the heart of my frustrations at work and why I was feeling stuck. No other program has understood me so well or made me feel so understood. This is just the start of me 2.0!  – N.M, Student Communications Officer

Please keep in mind that we do not discuss job search strategies in this program. Review the curriculum carefully.
This program is NOT a great fit for those who need support figuring out what to do with their lives, or those who want help with the tactical side of job searching such as resume, interviewing prep, etc.
If you’re already clear on the next step you want to take and just need the confidence to get there and the tools to be successful in your role, then RESILIENT can help.
If you have a question about your particular situation, please reach out to hello@melodywilding.com.

When you join this program, we commit time and bandwidth to being available to serve you. That affects how many other Sensitive Strivers can join the program. For that reason, there are no refunds.

If you have questions about whether the program is right for you, please schedule a time to talk here.

We’re here to help you make the best decision for yourself. There’s three ways to get your questions answered.

1. You can book a time to chat with Melody 1:1 here

2. You can also click on the yellow circle in the bottom right-hand side of your screen to chat with us. We respond within 1 business day.

3. Or email us hello@melodywilding.com and my team will get back to you with an answer within one business day.

Impactful! This program increased my confidence and improved my working dynamics to manage stress better. It’s a great mix of community, support, and practical tools. Perfect for highly sensitive professionals who want to be more comfortable and empowered.

Until I participated in RESILIENT, I was not aware of Sensitive Strivers and their characteristics. Now I know I am not alone and how to better manage my tendencies. RESILIENT is for driven, high achievers who struggle with self-confidence despite externally seeming to have it all together and want to believe in themselves.

Honestly, it was amazing. I now have stronger habits and routines, better self-awareness, and a balanced work/personal schedule. I’ve gained the confidence through group support.

RESILIENT helped me with the transformation to become a better version of myself. I've slowed down and let go of holding myself to a facade of perfection.

This has been SUCH a great program. The most meaningful progress is that I don't feel compelled to prove or defend my value anymore by over-explaining. I feel more comfortable letting the work speak for itself. I'm more secure overall in my knowledge and value. It's been super helpful in freeing up my time and brain space to do new things, which has been great.

Eye-opening! I got an article in one of the top international journals in my field. I'm applying for a promotion at work. I'm finishing an edited book. I'm giving two major talks. All this while caring for my child during a pandemic. At any other moment, I would be paralyzed with anxiety and self-doubt. I feel thrilled! I've enjoyed most the process of re-discovering myself in a new light of acceptance and joy, instead of constant self-criticism and self-doubt.

Your success tomorrow depends on the choices you make today

It’s time to change the trajectory of your future from one of stress and self-sabotage to one of confidence, ease, strength, and calm.