

Success stories

Regain your confidence and master your emotions at work with RESILIENT. It’s possible to take life-changing steps in your career while creating the inner peace you crave – and our alumni prove it. 

Hear from our alumni

I Don't Work on Weekends...when I shut off, it's off

Janice was caught in a cycle of overthinking, burnout, and working around the clock that was hurting her health and relationships. Hear how she used the tools in RESILIENT to reclaim her work-life balance and her happiness. 

I have peace...The anxiety has truly dropped

Imposter syndrome was Carmen’s constant companion, causing her to compare herself to others and not speak up. But now she has more control over her feelings. Friends and colleagues are noticing her growth. She even received a raise! 

I can listen to the critics without internalizing them

Executive Director, Mark, discusses how he learned to hear and trust his own voice (even with difficult people!) to transform into the clear, confident leader he always aspired to be – and that his team needed.

the confidence to be my authentic self

Like many Sensitive Strivers, Alina doubted herself at her new job. In this video, she talks about how discovered her sensitivity could be a superpower and asset in her role. 

I'm comfortable in my own skin Now

Using the tools from RESILIENT, Jane was able to advocate for herself to move to a new position and received a number of bonuses and accolades. Most of all, she’s secure and content with herself, a feeling she had never had before. 

your investment is going to pay back 100-fold

Luke’s used to flounder with decisions at work and be very hard on himself. Now he has unshakeable confidence in who he is, what he has to offer and the choices he makes. “It’s amazing – life changing!” he says. 

I have more time for fun & freedom

Tamara struggled with rumination – allowing situations at work to eat her up for days. Overthinking bled into her evenings and stole time from her family. Getting out of her own head has helped Tamara become more fun, uninhibited, and present for what matters most. 

it's been a while since I heard my inner critic

Juan felt like he was at the mercy of an ever-changing stream of emotions to the point where he dreaded going to work. Now he feels stable, grounded, and balanced.  

the testimonials are real...I completely vouch for it

Megan ended each day feeling exhausted. Listen in to hear how she found more mental space and energy to do the things she loves. Megan shares how she feels she can now handle anything work – or life – throws at her. 

Being busy doesn't have to be stressful

Edward credits his growth in RESILIENT to helping him achieved a promotion from senior manager to director. Better yet, he feels content more of the day and found the courage to adapt his work schedule to work better for him. 

putting myself first makes me better at my job

After suffering from burnout, Carol joined RESILIENT ready to commit to change. Hear how the program helped her rebuild her boundaries and her confidence.  


Simona was very hesitant about joining a group coaching experience like RESILIENT. But in his video she discusses how the program exceeded her expectations and helped her achieve greater calm and confidence at work. 

It's time to enjoy success without the stress.

Imagine confidently saying the things our alumni say after RESILIENT…

Hear From Our Alumni

Speaking up has opened doors

Adrienne’s inner critic was constantly telling her she wasn’t enough, which led to overextending herself at work. As a result of learning to set stronger boundaries and valuing herself, Adrienne was recognized as a top-performer on her team.

Your future self will thank you

Even after over 10 years in her role, Bonney still struggled with second-guessing herself. She felt discouraged and had no confidence. Now she has ditched the negative self-talk that plagued her for so long… and received a big promotion!

I see my sensitivity as a strength

All of his life, Fred was told his sensitivity was something he should tone down. Hear him discuss how he now views the trait as an asset. He shares words of encouragement for anyone doubting that they’re too broken to be helped. 

People say "wow, you're so calm"

Jennifer was feeling triggered at work often, whether by feedback, difficult colleagues, other daily stressors. In this video, she discusses how she regained a control over her reactions to know bring her best self to situations. 

Work doesn't define my life

Other leadership programs made Kelly feel “less than” – like she had to change who she was to be successful. Hear her talk about how RESILIENT is different, and how the program help ground her in a chaotic world. 

Life-changing is my word for it

Being a Sensitive Striver can be lonely. After all, only 1 in 5 people perceives the world the way you do. Melinda shares how she found community and connection inside RESILIENT – and confidence in her value as a result. 

this is the very best investment...no brainer

People-pleasing led Nirmal to overfunction at work, taking on responsibility to fix situations for his team. Through RESILIENT, Nirmal learned to step back without losing control, delegate effectively, and better manage stress for himself and his team.

I trust myself so much more

Wendy came into RESILIENT with a lot of fear, using other people’s perceptions to define her. Now she speaks up, sets boundaries, and owns her strengths with confidence. 


Rebecca felt hyper-vigilant at work – constantly worried about what others thought of her. In RESILIENT, she learned how to dramatically improve her self-talk, speak up for her needs, and more. Best of all, she secured a promotion with better salary and benefits! 


Do I have what it takes to succeed in this role? Tom’s imposter syndrome was overwhelming and advancing in his career felt like an uphill battle… against himself. Through RESILIENT, Tom discovered how to set strong boundaries, stop overworking, and speak up to advocate for himself and his team. 

Written Testimonials

“Transformational" perfectly describes RESILIENT. Before this program, I lived in a world of “shoulds”. I listened to critics more than I listened to myself. I felt imprisoned by other people’s expectations. But now, I’m a completely different person. I learned to hear and trust my own voice. I can silence the inner critic, set boundaries with confidence, and speak up and assert myself (even with difficult people!). I’ve gone from people-pleasing and being reactive to others to instead having a deliberate sense of what I need and discernment around how to get it. As a result, I’m hugely more confident and less insecure. I no longer carry criticisms. I’ve fully embraced the title of leader and I’ve become the type of manager I always aspired to be (and that my team needs). I’ve even picked up creative hobbies and pursued passion projects that my self-doubt previously blocked me from. RESILIENT has been nothing short of life-changing!

This program was a springboard for me. I found my voice and now know how to set boundaries. I improved communication in my family business and built my confidence in participating effectively in board meetings. Melody is a rare find with her smarts, empathy and excellent communication. Honing in on being a Sensitive Striver is a godsend!

I have been sooo much better at setting boundaries and expectations. My mindset is truly starting to shift to believe I do deserve the success and progress I'm working towards.

I found my voice and now trust myself. I learned that my sensitivities are a strength. Do it! Don’t question if it’s for you. Just sign up!

I have a calm, confident presence and am centered and happy. I let go of criticism I received from my boss that triggered a severe burnout. This program is the reason I know myself.

RESILIENT is transformational. I keep telling my family that this is the best investment I could have possibly made in my life. I've gained confidence, found community, and have new tools to keep me from falling into an emotional spiral.

I don’t spend nearly as much time worrying about what people think of me at work. I am believing in my abilities more than I ever have. I can take a step back to look at a situation before over-thinking it. I cannot thank Melody enough for this program. It's instilled a self-worth in my professional life I haven’t had in a long time.

I’m a completely different person. I learned to hear and trust my own voice. I can silence the inner critic, set boundaries with confidence, and speak up and assert myself (even with difficult people!)I’ve fully embraced the title of leader and I’ve become the type of manager I always aspired to be (and that my team needs).

I have a calm, confident presence and am centered and happy. I let go of criticism I received from my boss that triggered a severe burnout. This program is the reason I know myself.

I feel more secure about my own thought processes. I stood up for myself in difficult situations. I find it easier to be at easy with myself. This program is perfect for Sensitive Strivers who question themselves more than they should.

It's inspiring and motivating to be in an encouraging community trying to make the most of our Sensitive Striver personalities. The tools and support from RESILIENT helped me have a great annual assessment at work, with lots of positive feedback.

This has been SUCH a great program. The most meaningful progress is that I don't feel compelled to prove or defend my value anymore by over-explaining. I feel more comfortable letting the work speak for itself. I'm more secure overall in my knowledge and value. It's been super helpful in freeing up my time and brain space to do new things, which has been great.

Eye-opening! Melody's guidance has been amazing. I've made awesome professional progress. I got an article in one of the top international journals in my field. I'm applying for a promotion at work. I'm finishing an edited book. I'm giving two major talks. All this while caring for my child during a pandemic. At any other moment, I would be paralyzed with anxiety and self-doubt. I feel thrilled! I've enjoyed most the process of re-discovering myself in a new light of acceptance and joy, instead of constant self-criticism and self-doubt.

Eye-opening! Melody's guidance has been amazing. I've made awesome professional progress. I got an article in one of the top international journals in my field. I'm applying for a promotion at work. I'm finishing an edited book. I'm giving two major talks. All this while caring for my child during a pandemic. At any other moment, I would be paralyzed with anxiety and self-doubt. I feel thrilled! I've enjoyed most the process of re-discovering myself in a new light of acceptance and joy, instead of constant self-criticism and self-doubt.

Impactful! This program increased my confidence and improved my working dynamics to manage stress better. It’s a great mix of community, support, and practical tools. Perfect for highly sensitive professionals who want to be more comfortable and empowered.

Until I participated in RESILIENT, I was not aware of Sensitive Strivers and their characteristics. Now I know I am not alone and how to better manage my tendencies. RESILIENT is for driven, high achievers who struggle with self-confidence despite externally seeming to have it all together and want to believe in themselves.

Honestly, it was amazing. I now have stronger habits and routines, better self-awareness, and a balanced work/personal schedule. I’ve gained the confidence through group support.

Enjoy success without the stress.

Regain your confidence and control at work through the RESILIENT program.